Learning To Wait On God

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope." - Psalm 130:5

I'm not so good at waiting. But today God reminded me of some of the practices that work for me like:

  1. "Practicing the presence of God"* (essentially chatting to God as often as you can all through the day, about everything, big or small - and listening for His replies, nudges and insights (ref book by Brother Lawrence* with the same title, "Practicing the presence of God");
  2. Morning walking meditation on daily basis where possible, I walk and visit the Stone Fire meeting place or hot pit, as an "altar" to remind myself that I am a living sacrifice for God;
  3. Journaling my experiences and written prayers;
  4. Something I do more often lately is to get down on my knees - even for 1 minute to remind my body who is in charge - King Jesus and Master of my life.

What helps you "wait"? Please share your tools and experiences with us.
