Soul Fire - A New Creation
abundant life, gospel, change the world
Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT
I recently shared this scripture at a preaching session at an organisation for the homeless. I shared this verse because it was the most powerful verse for me, at the time of my conversion to Jesus Christ on 9-6-1973. I shared this as part of my testimony of what brought me to Christ. apart from my need for salvation, I was also in constant pain, anger, confusion and depression due to both my parents having alcoholism.
Jesus saved me and gave me hope for them, the broken marriage and their salvation. Despite my faith and hope the marriage never mended, nor did the alcoholism. But my father did respond to the call of Jesus at one church service that I invited him to. But he kept drinking - literally to death and the death of his large "successful" engineering business in 1976 during my last year in the military.
The key change was in my life - attitudes and behaviour. I had more peace to pray for them, stand with them and never give up hope. I shared this story as part of my sermon, reminding myself (and the group) that in God's time, He can do anything - but He cannot and will not violate the free will He gives us.
Why do I share this? I'm not sure. Maybe to help change the world - starting with our personal world - leaving the rest of the world in His hands - as we share the Good News of salvation.
- In what small way can you show the love of Jesus to someone today?
- Do you know this Jesus? The one who can make you a new creation and give you the gifts of inner peace, faith, hope and love? If not, open your heart to Him today, tomorrow may be too late!