If My People Rebel Against Me...
rebel, salvation, forgiveness, healing
The key message below is scary. It came directly from God to King Solomon after a 14 day "convention of dedication, praise and worship" - a glorious festival where God revealed Himself by raining fire down to consume the sacrifices and offerings.
Everyone was in awe of God and stayed in worhip for 7 days dedicating the altar and another 7 days of the festival. Israelites came from all over "a vast assembly, people from Lebo Hamath to the Wadi of Egypt." They ended the celebrations on the 8th day of the festival and all were sent home.
After all this God appeared to Solomon and gave a warning about what would happen if His people rebelled against Him and again turned to other God's and idols.
God knew what was coming... King Solomon himself would turn away from the God He loved - the God of his father, King David. God knew Solomon would turn to the idols of flesh - women from the foreign lands - giving in to sexual sin. And then end up worshiping their gods!
This is so very sad for me. Yet I know too how I got lost and drifted away and rebelled against God as I got sucked into a "love relationship" and was seduced by an "alternative culture of spirituality". A very deceptive one.
I got lost for over 20 years... Wasted years, I so regret. Yes, God has forgiven me - but what of the consequences, to others I wounded, to myself, to my children? So much lost time, lost opportunities. So much lost...
Despite this God reveals His love and says He will take them (us) back under certain conditions.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)