From The Dark Kingdom To The Light

Peter W. Guess

kingdom of god, sin, salvation, forgiveness, god's love, father god

[ps. This may sound a bit like SciFi]
He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved Son. Colossians 1:13 (TPT)

What a powerful and beautiful transformation. But it's impossible to really appreciate what has happened through your salvation and rebirth into new life, unless you fully understand the following 6 absolute truths:
1. That you are utterly lost in sin, without God's grace.
2. That no good works you did or the wonderful personality you had/have, could ever save you from condemnation [to hell].
3. That you were living in the darkest of darkness when Christ called you into His bright light - into His Kingdom of love.
4. That God loved ALL mankind from the time He created us and NEVER gave up on us, despite mankinds consistent sinful and self-centred rebellion and idol worship. And by the way, over 2000 years, since God's sacrifice, He has still not given up on us - yet humankind are still on the run and living in sinful darkness.
5. That God sacrificed everything to reconcile mankind to Himself, by sending Jesus to die for ALL of us - knowing that only a few would accept the free gift of God's mercy and grace - the rest would scorn it!
6. That His grace towards you, personnaly, means a new life on this planet - a rebirth - with life forever in the ages to come - being in the presence of God for an eternity - reunited with our Father.

Can you wrap your mind around that? We can only try to understand the love of God and the pain of God, consistently being rejected by His creation but despite that, suffering for His wayward children.

The Message version of the Bible, sheds some more light on this desperation of the Human condition and the loving action God took.

God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He’s set us up in the kingdom of the Son he loves so much, the Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating. Colossians 1:13-14 MSG